Manufacturing Technology Association of Biologics

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Message from the President

This association was founded in September 2013 with various companies, universities and public research institutes coming together for the sole purpose of creating manufacturing technology to produce next-generation biopharmaceuticals that meet international standards. And now we are engaged in the projects of developing enhanced monoclonal antibody drug manufacturing technology, gene and cell therapeutic vector manufacturing technology, and new modality vaccine manufacturing technology.

1. Development of enhanced monoclonal antibody drug manufacturing technology
① Manufacturing technology for next-generation antibody drugs conforming to the global standards ( FY2013-FY2017)
② Development of advanced manufacturing technology for biopharmaceuticals ( FY2018-FY2020)
③ Development of internationally competitive manufacturing technology for next-generation antibody drugs (FY2021-FY2025)
2. Development of vector manufacturing technology for gene and cell therapy
① Development of new mass manufacturing technology for vector on gene and cell therapy (FY2018-FY2023)
② Integrated Development of Viral Vector Manufacturing Technology (FY2024-FY2029)
3. Development of New Modality Vaccine Manufacturing Technology (FY2022-FY2024)

We will continuously develop various original technologies at private companies in addition to fundamental research at universities and public research institutions, whilst we integrate these technologies to create world class biopharmaceutical production technology.
Currently, 43 members (32 companies, 6 universities, 2 National research and development agencies, 3 Organizations), in addition to join many re-entrusted universities, have gathered as one team, and we are actively promoting initiatives that unite the industry, government and academia.
Our hope is to contribute to the pharmaceutical manufacturing technology by organically integrating Japan's excellent manufacturing techniques in the field of biopharmaceuticals and perfecting robust biopharmaceutical manufacturing technologies with a view to practical application, and ultimately to help patients and their families suffering from various diseases.
This requires close collaboration with industry, government and academia and cannot be achieved without the support of pharmaceutical industry.
I appreciate your continued support from every aspect.

Representative Director Koichi Nakao Representative Director
Koichi Nakao

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